How to be a DJ


Being a DJ is hard work, some people might disregard their talent but if you have followed some professionals closely you can find out that they put a lot of work in their profession. For them being a DJ is an art, and the music they make, remixes and all can be very pleasant to the ears,

The basic tools of a DJ are their records, two turntables, headphones, a mixer, and sometimes the occasional laptop. A good DJ only buys records that they really love, a specific genre that they can really get their creative juices flowing. Being a DJ is akin to a painter with a lot of paints and colors in their disposal, but with the right combination of hues and dyes, they can create masterpieces with the use of their imagination.


A DJ’s headphones are usually the tools he relies on the most, together with the mixer they can give the DJ a preview of the music he is about to add to the mix. This is also his tool to synch the different music and records that he is currently playing. When he is on the turntable, he only has two variables to worry about, position and speed of the needle. He has to be always aware of the position of the needle and the speed that the record is spinning. By using his hands he can either speed up the track, slow it down or spindle the track for the transition of the next track. The mixer is used by the DJ for adjustment of the tracks volume speed and creating a fading effect for the rest of the track. Playing two tracks at the same time can be very hard, you constantly must be aware of two aspects, sync and speed/tempo. Even if two songs will run in the same tempos/bpm and is perfectly matched they can still be out of sync given some time. That is why the job of the DJ is crucial in maintaining the harmony of the music.


A great way of a DJ to train his confidence and his ability to maintain the harmony and tempo of his song is by practice. And during practice he will stop and deliberately mess up, stop one deck, or randomly change tracks to be able to react to any change in the tracks he is playing. He will do this until he won’t be afraid of having an out-of-sync track. Usually during a practice session when he goes out of sync, a DJ will put back the same track and try again and again.


The best way for the DJ to perform is by listening with his body, moving his toes, getting into the groove of the primary beats. Being a DJ is hard work, but it does get better after sometime, they are some of the professionals that really enjoy their work. In time they tend to worry less, get into it more and more. Please visit for more information on becoming a DJ.